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The ketogenic diet:

a successful strategy without hunger and frustration.

Conventional diets cause health-damaging ups and downs in your weight.


Most diets are based on the principle that you should eat less and spend more energy. Since fat is more calorific than sugar and protein, we eat reduced fat products, and increase protein and carbs. So yes, at first you lose weight, but you are hungry, frustrated and end up, as always, gradually gaining back your kilos. A few months later we start another diet just as ineffective.  The harmful consequence of this yo-yo in your weight variation is that you gradually lose muscle and gain fat.


The ketogenic diet, a successful strategy for weight loss without hunger and frustration.


The ketogenic diet is based on a totally different concept. What is the principle? When we eat sugar, insulin, a hormone will instruct our bodies to store this sugar if it is consumed in excess as fat and we gain weight. We are in a "storage" mode. However, when we consume quality fats, this hormone is less stimulated, and our body will burn the fat to produce energy. The result being that we feel less hungry and do not have the urge to snack and eat sugary foods throughout the day. Moreover, if this eating strategy is properly balanced, we improve our general health. Indeed, excess sugar is very harmful to your health. 


What do you eat on a ketogenic diet?


The exact opposite of what we have been taught for a long time! We reduce carbs and increase healthy fats. However, vegetables, raw vegetables, nuts, seeds, dark chocolate, herbs and spices must be part of your daily food intake to ensure that you get the right amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This is the only diet that allows you to eat nuts, cheese, avocados, butter... and still lose weight! You are even allowed to eat ketogenic bread, crackers, some desserts but prepared with alternative products that do not have a negative impact on our metabolism.


Is a follow-up necessary?


Implementing a ketogenic diet requires some explanations to help you teach your body to switch to fat metabolism and avoid the « keto flu ». Then, over time, you gradually establish different eating habits, eliminate your sugar addiction and learn new recipes that are delicious and very satisfying. The aim is to establish a healthy and satisfying long-term eating strategy that alternates between fat and glucose metabolism. A follow-up by a professional is essential to ensure a healthy and balanced diet, but also to correct any mistakes made, to make sure that you are losing fat instead of  muscle and to detoxify. Finally, to motivate and encourage you to adhere to these new eating habits.

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